Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who's in charge of YOUR Health Care Reform?

Okay, I've finally heard enough whining about "health care reform"!

I know most every one of you have heard at one time or another that 70%-75% of ALL Americans are either overweight or obese!  AND that being overweight or obese dramatically increases your risks for having or getting health concerns like Heart Disease, Stroke, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, many forms of Cancer, structural (orthopedic)  issues like hip and knee problems,  makes you more vulnerable to allergies, the common cold, sleep issues including sleep apnea, clogged arteries, osteoarthritis, gall bladder disease, and numerous other "every day" aches, pains, and problems!

Obviously ("if common sense really was common, we wouldn't have so much dumb stuff to deal with!"), it still has not sunk in that if you reduce the "cause" of so much of our health care overloads (being overweight or obese), you could also reduce the cost of such expensive health care personally and globally!
I realize that there are always going to be health issues to deal with in our lives, that's part of life; and having adequate coverage to help when we have accidents, or health issues stemming from our family history, etc. is of course something we should have.  But to overload the Health Care System with problems that are within our power to eliminate or at least reduce, is the ultimate in a lack of Personal Responsibility!

Sure, breaking those old (deadly) habits can be challenging...but so is having a heart attack, a stroke, or living with all the other problems that come with NOT choosing to change!

I've been there!

If you are finally ready to make some real changes in your life
but don't know what to do or where to even start...get a book,
google "get healthy", talk to a friend or relative who is already
doing what you want to accomplish, find a Personal Trainer to help you figure it
all out...you will probably be totally surprised at how inexpensive it is to do it right 
from the beginning (probably less than you currently spend on ONE months' Health Insurance Premiums!)
However you decide to do it...GET OFF YOUR BUTT, START MOVING AND
You will be totally amazed at how much better you feel physically, AND emotionally, by
taking charge of such an important aspect of your life!

Friday, April 16, 2010


No matter who you are, if you currently do not have exactly what you want in your life (and that includes the "ideal" body, level of Fitness, and/or Healthy LifeStyle)...there is a really strong chance you have a "voice" (or a bucket-load of them) in your head telling you that you "can't"! (Sound familiar?)

Until you can quiet that "voice" you will be fighting an up-hill battle to reach your goals.

I have found a tool that works for me (and hundreds of thousands of other folks from all walks of life), and is so simple it has taken me 2 years to master (smile)!  The tool is called "The Sedona Method" I have completed the Coach Level-1 and Coach Level-2 Training for this process (including 36 days of on-site seminars, training, and partner work), and have qualified to facilitate the use of the process with others.

In a nut-shell, "The Sedona Method" is a simple process that you can use in real-life, real-time, situations to "let go" of unwanted feelings or emotions that appear to be tied to certain events or situations in our lives and seem to cause discomfort or suffering in us.  

So many times we struggle and fight with issues thinking it will keep them at arms length, when in reality all that struggling is just a way of embracing them!  We think that fighting with them will solve the "problem" and make it go away ("how's that work'n for ya'" Dr. Phil)...however, all that fighting is actually what keeps it attached to us!

"The Sedona Method" will teach you several "tools" to use to simply "let go" of those unwanted feelings and emotions in the moment, so that if you still need to move to action (because it doesn't mean you have to live with situations that are not mutually beneficial), you will be acting from a much stronger, less re-active, and more Loving (for yourself and others) place.

This is something that many folks are able to do for themselves, either just by watching an Introductory DVD (that you can borrow from me, no charge...or get online just by paying the $5 shipping)...go online at the link below and if it strikes a chord with you, order the book or courses for home-study...or allow me to help you get started, or move beyond the occasional "sticky-place". (I do get some discounts on products, so going through me could save you some money...if that's a perceived issue.)

So, if there are issues in your life that just keep hanging around and sometimes dragging you down...at the very least check out the website and see what you think. (Hale Dowskin is the author and is a hoot to watch!)

So....LET IT GO!!!