Monday, June 15, 2009

People in Business (article June 15, 2009)


Bobby Morrow, ACE Certified Personal Trainer for The Forum Fitness Center in Lexington, N.C. just completed the American Council on Exercise two day live interactive workshop "Personal Training in Practice" in Chapel Hill, N.C., June 13th and 14th.

The focus of the workshop was to enhance Morrow's current certifications and experience in areas of Cardiovascular Training (for general good health, endurance, and weight loss), Strength Training (for total body strength including core, flexibility, balance, muscle toning and definition), as well as Metabolic Issues (the bodies' demands, requirements, and usage of balanced nutrition for fuel and building well as maintain a healthy body weight and lean-to-fat ratio). The workshop introduced the very latest health and fitness research and recommendations in a hands' on, interactive format.

Morrow has become sought after as the trainer to see (even by his peers) when you have health or body issues and challenges, beyond just losing weight. Since Morrow was first certified, four years ago, he has helped nearly 1,000 people age 13 to 89 years, with health and fitness challenges including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, low back problems, knee and hip problems and replacements, all sorts of structural issues, as well as a "shopping list" of post-rehabilitation challenges, to become stronger, healthier, and more fit. Morrow says: "I have yet to meet anyone that couldn't get stronger, healthier, or thinner, if they were willing to make a commitment to themselves to make it happen."

Morrow admits that "almost everyone is a little intimidated by the gym/fitness center environment, at least in the beginning. You will never hear me tell a client "no pain, no gain"'s really about slowly, consistently, and intelligently adding small achievable challenges designed to develop healthy changes over a sensible and realistic period of time. My job is to design safe, effective, and efficient health and fitness programs that are specific to each clients' individual needs, starting place, challenges, and time restraints. I actually teach them how to do the process safely and properly, supporting them until they are confident enough to do it for themselves...then, over time, they use me as needed for the occasional "tune-up", boost them up and over a plateau, or just give them an old fashioned "kick in the butt"."

"I love what I do" Morrow says, "when you see the positive changes that can take place in peoples' lives...who wouldn't?"

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