Saturday, June 20, 2009

You don't have to be "rich" or "famous" to work with a Personal Trainer...

When you see a Personal Trainer on TV working with (and getting paid by) the same person 2-3 times a week, month after month, you are not really seeing the whole picture!

The real benefit of having a Personal Trainer in the beginning, is to get you started on the "right foot". Someone who will listen to you about your goals and concerns then guide you, and encourage you to set healthy realistic goals that you can follow through on.

A well trained, and experienced, Professional Personal Trainer will also take the time to find out where you are starting from (where you are physically right now), by using a set of assessments that will provide you (and your trainer) with a base-line (or starting point), from which you both can measure your progress over time, as well as check for health issues that may have gone unnoticed.

Your Trainer will then take that information and design a fitness program that is designed specifically for you, including Strength Training, Cardiovascular Training, and Nutritional Tips, Recommendations and you all the basic ingredients you'll need for success.

Once your program is designed, your Trainer will begin "teaching" you the basic program, setting up and properly using the equipment, putting it all together in a safe and effective way. Before you know it, you will be ready to strike out on your own. Your trainer will encourage you to "fly solo" for a few workouts, then get back together to see how you're doing, answer questions, chart your progress, and readjust or upgrade your training as you progress toward you goals.

From assessments to completing the "training" portion of the process (where you, and your Trainer feel comfortable you can work or your own for a while) can take anywhere from 4-12 one-hour sessions. You will most likely invest less money in a great health and fitness program than you would in having your washing machine repaired, your computer de-bugged, or your car tuned up! What a great value!!

Depending on your location, one-hour Training sessions can run as little as $25 per hour, up to as much as $175 per hour. Most Trainers and facilities have payment options such as bank-draft, credit card, or pay-as-you-go plans available.

Really, in any economy, an investment in your current (and future) health and fitness is absolutely priceless!

You're worth it...get fit!

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